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01282 777549
" The North West's Solution For Pest Management, Prevention & Bird Control Solutions "

Disinfection Sevices & Sanitisation Treatment

Disinfection Decontamination Service
Atlas Environmental Services Ltd, provide our professional fogging service to clients based around the North West and across the surrounding areas. Our chemical fogging service allows us to disinfect either specific areas or a whole building in an effective and efficient manner. Fogging is capable of killing 99.9999% of known bacteria and viruses and has been used to effective decontaminate an area of infections such as Coronavirus and SARS. Upon the completion of the fogging, you will receive a fogging certificate to show that your premises have been fully decontaminated.
When it comes to carrying out ULV fogging we use safe and fully approved chemicals and disinfectants to help decontaminate an affected area. The purpose of fogging allows for the dispersal of disinfectants, which in turn will kill any airborne pathogens or microorganisms that adhere themselves to surfaces. If you’re based in the North West and are interested in having decontamination fogging carried out, then be sure to get in touch with us today.

Decontamination ULV Fogging
We use the latest decontamination fogging equipment and chemicals to achieve the best results for our customers. Our team regularly work in and around East Lancashire and across the North West carrying out fogging for our customers. Fogging can safely be carried out in a number of environments such as banks, commercial kitchens, schools, pubs, places of worship, residential properties and many more. It’s important to remember that even when using fogging on a regular basis you need to maintain your own strict and regular cleaning routine. Fogging allows for the quick and effective dispersal of disinfectant onto both surfaces and in the air.
Our team are fully equipped to carry out decontamination fogging and will wear full PPE whilst conducting this specialist treatment. ULV Fogging helps to clean, sanItise and disinfect those difficult to reach areas that might be missed during a regular clean. All our services are carried out by professional and COSHH trained employees who are always fully equipped with the full and correct PPE. The services we offer can be used individually or together in order to achieve maximum effects. Before undertaking any service we carry out full risk assessments and write clear method statements for each area. No matter what your reason for needing chemical fogging might be, we can work closely with you to find an effective solution.

Are you looking for a specialist Disinfection or Sanitisation service?
• Health care facility
• Restaurant
• Business
• Office and reception area
• Rented property
• Schools
• End of sterile tenancy cleaning
• School prevention cleaning
• Nursing home sterile cleaning
• Gym prevention cleaning
• Medical centre cleaning
• Home sterile cleaning
• Office infection control cleaning
• Doctors surgery sterile cleaning
• Mosques / Places of worship

Antibacterial and antiviral fogging is now regularly used by a number of different industries. Whether it’s a cafe, airport or somewhere else fogging will help to rid your premises of antimicrobial issues. When it’s a suitable option we always recommend chemical cleaning fogging to our customers in and around the North West area. We strongly believe fogging offers a number of benefits such as:
Kills 99.9999% of known bacteria and viruses.
Safe and effective cleaning methods.
Helps to rid germs in those hard to reach or forgotten areas.
Will sanitise every area or surface with ease.
The disinfectant quickly dissipates meaning you can once again use the space.
Antimicrobial fogging is suitable for any type of building or premises.
Benefits Of Chemical Fogging
Business Re-opening Disinfection
If your an office, hotel, pubic house, restaurant, when things start to get back to normal, then you will be forced to have a full disinfection carried out on your premises.
If one of your employees is confirmed or suspected as having contracted COVID-19, in addition to self - isolating for the person in question, many employers are choosing to decontaminate their premises.
With ULV Fogging disinfecting, you can rest assured that your premises will be thoroughly sanitised for the safety of your staff and customers. Our specialist Coronavirus (Covid-19) deep cleaning strategy includes; all high risk surfaces, areas and materials to minimise the spread of viruses.

We are Licensed and Certified Using Killgerm Products.
We are fully equipped for Disinfection services and decontamination, prevention cleaning and infection control, using the tested PX ULV Disinfectant Killgerm technology.

Why choose Atlas Environmental Services Ltd
With the latest fogging technology treatment Atlas Environmental Services Ltd provide you with a advanced thorough professional clean by our RSPH Level 2 trained technicians, Qualified in Environmental Health, Health and Safety and also CRB checked. A thorough risk assessment is carried out as standard before any fogging commences with open channels of communication informing the client of recommendations and whats required. Once your treatment is then complete we provide you with the full certification, sanitising posters and documentation to allow your premises to reopen safely with the evidence to provide to your local authorities and relevant parties.

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