Today's very much been about the control of Pest Species Birds - Pigeons and Seagulls!
Surveys conducted this morning over in Leyland, Lancashire for our Solar Panel Bird Proofing Solution.
The homeowners of this property contacted ourselves 2 days ago with Pigeons causing havoc underneath their Solar Panel System!
A large nest was found evident located within the middle section where this is a perfect location to nest and bring up their young due to its enclosure and warmth!
Survey conducted at Fleetwood Docks this afternoon with regards to Seagulls also causing havoc on this new build site!
Recommendations and quotations forwarded to our client for Bird Proofing Installations to be constructed at this site.
We also came across a very humorous sign at the docks....
" No Smoking, Eating, Spitting or Drinking! "
For all enquiries regarding Bird Control please visit our dedicated website page.
" The North West's Solution for Pest Management and Bird Control Solutions "