This morning Atlas Environmental Services Ltd arrived at a mental health / learning difficulties home in East Lancashire to carry out a full ULV Fogging treatment in all 12 bedrooms, 2 lounges, dining rooms, communal hall ways, kitchens, laundry rooms and office areas.
This was a large scale treatment as required from the Lancashire County Council and Infection Control.
ℹ️ It is important to note that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not approved any sanitiser-only products for virus claims, which means they cannot be used to fight SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
ℹ️ As a reputable company we only use certified products, we certainly know that sanitising only reduces the amount of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level, whereas disinfecting completely kills and helps eliminate the risk of cross infection
ℹ️ Disinfectants completely eliminate germs by breaking down and separating their cell walls, disinfectants should only be used in an area that is vacant for the entire dwell time. This is to prevent any chance of contamination due to occupant interference.
ℹ️ Full risk assessments, method statements, disinfection posters, certifications and safety data sheets provided for the client making this environment safe for all the residents and staff to resume normality and their duties.